Frågelista #325
Have you had sex in the past 24 hours?
Are you gay?
No..? Undecided.
Do you have hairy legs?
Vanligtvis inte, men just nu.. nja, lite då.
Do you smoke anything?
Do you like monkeys?
Jag känner mig passiv i frågan.
How many fillings do you have?
Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake?
Beror på. Vanligtvis är det ju varmare i sjöar.. Men Medelhavet är trevligt :)
Have you ever licked one of those square batteries?
Every chance I get. That's a "no"..
Have you ever read the Bible?
Inte hela, bara de roliga bitarna. (Leviticus)
Did you ever go to Sunday School?
Hell no.
Do you wear a lot of black?
Did you ever bring a weapon to school?
Have you ever hugged a tree?
I fail to see why I would..
Do you know what a sphincter actually is?
Haha, ja? Vet inte alla det?
Describe your hair?
Kort och brunt.
Are you a wildbeast?
Hm.. nej.
Do you like to have fun?
Den här frågan känns lite överflödig.
Do you like drama?
På film? Ibland.
Have you ever taken a bong hit?
What's a 'bong' (innocent look)?
Do you like mayonnaise?
Not by itself, så att säga.
Are you afraid to die?
Nej. Tragisk bungy jump-olycka vid 45.
Do you like playing in leaves?
Tror faktiskt inte ens jag gjorde det när jag var liten.
Have you ever peed your pants as an adult?
Eww.. no.
Have you ever thrown up on somebody as an adult?
Haha, nej.
Are you an adult?
De påstår det.
Ever won a spelling bee?
Om jag vann ett skulle jag inte veta var jag skulle göra av det. Kanske kunde det hålla min skrivande geting sällskap?
Do you ever eat because your depressed?
Are you a television addict?
Förr i tiden, men nu ser jag aldrig på TV.
Do you think OJ was guilty?
Dubbelmord? Det är allt jag vet, har inte koll alls på hur det hände.
Do you enjoy spending time with your mother?
Have you ever had sex in a hot tub?
Verkar opraktiskt. Bastu, däremot..
On a swing?
Installera säkerhetsbälte.
Do you like Elvis?
Klarar mig utan.
Do you enjoy watching animals ?do it? on the Discovery channel?
Nej. I am disturbed by some of these questions.
Ever been hit on at a zoo?
Yeah, the giraffes really dig me.
Have you ever had sex with a total stranger?
Do you enjoy the calming effects of turkeys?
Err... What?
Does your mom think someone is hot?
Ska jag veta det? Vi har inte direkt sånna samtal.
Are you a sugar freak?
Used to be.
Ever been arrested?
Inte än. Peppar peppar.
Ever commit a crime and get away with it?
Ja. (Inget allvarligt)
Do you like orange juice?
Nja, går väl i nödfall.
What sign are you?
En Stop-skylt.
Ever do the party boy dance in front of the elderly?
Where do you wish you were right now?
Asleep. In Greece. Wait.. Scratch that. Partying in Greece.
Did you enjoy this?
Nej, verkligen inte. Nästa.